Organize your life in seconds

Manage work projects and personal to-do lists in one place. One app to manage it all. Easy & Super fast.
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No credit card. is an award-winning app used by millions of people to stay organized and get more done

The best way to do
your to-do list

Simple task management

Easily organize all your tasks, lists and reminders in one app. Keep everything in-sync across all your devices.

Learn more about To-do lists ->

Use reminders to
never forget a thing

Don't let important things slip away

With powerful one-time, recurring and location based reminders, you can be sure critical things don’t get forgotten.

Learn more about Reminders ->

Grocery list shopping
made simple

A better way to do grocery shopping

Get your grocery items automatically sorted by aisle, import online recipes and share your list with your family.

Learn more about the Grocery list ->

A calendar to help
you stay on schedule

Calendar integration

Stay on top of your calendar. Add events, manage or edit them in one place. Connect Google Calendar, iCloud and Outlook easily.
Easily choose the view that fits your needs.

Learn more about calendar ->

Plan your day in

Don’t let your tasks overwhelm you.

With My day, your new daily planner, you can easily review today’s calendar events and prioritize your tasks accordingly.

Learn more about daily planner ->

Stunning widgets to
keep you focused

Homescreen widgets

With a wide variety of homescreen widgets, your tasks and calendar events are always available at a glance away. We designed them to be simple yet powerful, in any size that fits your homescreen.

Learn more about widgets ->

My day

Plan for a better day

Focus on doing the most important things every day with My Day.
Get personalized recommendations, plan and manage your day like a boss.

Learn more about our daily planner ->

Get ‘Smart Suggestions’

Get personalized suggestions of which tasks you should focus on today.

Always in focus

Get a fresh start daily to focus on what’s really important.

Plan your day

Personal or work, plan and organize your tasks today.

Calendar integration

Review today’s schedule and make plans accordingly.
Join video calls with one click.

A part of your workday

Connect with the apps you already love and use to get more productive, daily.

Connect with work

Using Trello, Asana, or Clickup at work? Get all your work tasks & projects into to manage it all in one place.

Learn more about 3rd party integrations ->

Turn your emails into actions items

Did your Gmail inbox become your to do list? Turn any email into a task on with just one tap.

Learn more about the Gmail integration ->

More than just a to-do list

Upgrade to Premium and turn a simple to-do list into a full platform for managing work and life

Unlimited Daily planner

Track progress and visualize work with Kanban view

Recurring tasks

Set daily, weekly, monthly or yearly recurring tasks.

Color tags and labels

Color code tasks to find what you are looking for in seconds.

WhatsApp integration

Turn the favorite texting app into a task & reminders hub.

Show your personality

Customized’s background and theme to fit your mood.

+5,000 integration

Unlock Zapier’s integrations with Pro.

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Organize anything
with anyone,

Wherever you are, take with you. Access your tasks and projects on mobile, laptop, desktop, tablet and even your watch! Everything syncs seamlessly across all devices, giving you ultimate control.


Get your life organized in seconds, today.

Free Forever.