Plan your grocery list better on Chrome.

Manage your grocery list without even leaving the browser. Use’s Chrome extension to add items, edit and share lists. Shop smarter with auto-sorting and personal recommendations based on your preferences.
Coming Soon
Google play store Apple AppStore

The future of grocery lists

Add grocery items and we’ll auto-sort them by aisles so you’d shop faster when in store. Invite collaborators to your lists, paste-in your favorite recipes and have the ingredients automatically added to your list for you. The future is here!

It’s almost like we know you

Plan your grocery list faster with personalized suggestions based on your previous shopping trips. See popular items around you which we think you might like and access your grocery list anywhere.

Always around

Feel like working on a commute or need to check on your schedule on the go? The calendar has got you covered. Available on any mobile, laptop, wearable or smart assistants, your calendar is always with you.